• 737c41b95358f4cf881ed7227f70c07


Nkọwa dị mkpirikpi:

Aha:N'ogbe OEM Fischer Sfu Sfe 5pin Njikọ eriri igwe anaghị egbochi mmiri.
Ụdị ngwaahịa:A5P SMT-F
Ụlọ:PA46+30% GF
gbọmgbọm:Ọla kọpa C3604
Plunger:Ọla kọpa C3604
gbọmgbọm:3u plating gold, nickel base 50 ~ 80u'
Plunger:3u plating gold, nickel base 50 ~ 80u'
Mmiri:enweghị plated
Enyere:DC 12V 1A
Nguzogide kọntaktị:100mΩ Max.
Nguzogide mkpuchi:kacha nta 1000mΩ
Voltaji na-eguzogide:500VAC/min
Ndụ:10000 okirikiri (nkeji)
Ịnagide Okpomọkụ Dị Elu:280 ℃
Okpomọkụ arụ ọrụ:-40 ℃ ~ 85 ℃

  • :
  • Nkọwa ngwaahịa


    Mkpado ngwaahịa

    Njirimara ngwaahịa

    1.Gold-plated spring pin na obere nguzogide na ike conductivity
    2.Excellent ihe, mmepụta kwụsiri ike.
    3.High mma ọla kọpa, ngwaahịa a pụrụ ịdabere na ya, nchekwa na ịdịgide, elu okpomọkụ, ọkụ retardant.
    4.PA46 ihe njikọ ihe, ọdịda na mmetụta na-eguzogide.

    Mpaghara Ngwa

    1. Smart wearable ngwaahịa: smart ese, smart mgbaaka, smart iko, Bluetooth ekweisi, smart gloves, VR, wdg.
    2. 3C ngwaahịa ngwaahịa: mbadamba PC, mkpọchi eletrọnịkị, ụgbọ ala eletrik, iko mmiri smart.Ekwentị.Ịchaji ahịrị data, wdg.
    3. ụlọ ọrụ ahụike: akụrụngwa ahụike, akụrụngwa ịma mma, ihe enyemaka ntị, mita ọbara mgbali elu, ihe nleba anya ọnụọgụ obi, electrocardiogram ejiri aka, wdg.
    4. ngwaọrụ nwere ọgụgụ isi: robots nwere ọgụgụ isi, sensọ, ngwaọrụ ejiri aka, drones, ngwaọrụ ejiri ụgbọ, wdg.

    4P DIP-F3

    Foto ngwugwu

    4P DIP-F4

    Gbasara anyị

    Mmalite dị elu, na onye na-azụ ahịa kacha elu bụ ntuziaka anyị iji nye ndị na-azụ ahịa anyị ezigbo enyemaka. Ugbu a, anyị na-agbalịsi ike ka anyị bụrụ otu n'ime ndị na-ebupụ ihe kacha mma n'ime ụlọ ọrụ anyị iji mejuo ndị na-azụ ahịa chọrọ n'ogbe OEM Fischer Sfu Sfe 2pin nwoke Cable Connectors Waterproof Circular Connectors, Our tenet is "Reasonable cost, successful manufacturing time and finest service" We hope to cooperate with much more customers for mutual growth and rewards.

    N'ogbe OEM China Push Pull Circular Connectors and panel Cable Mount Plug, Anyị na-ewere ohere nke ọrụ ahụmahụ, nchịkwa sayensị na ngwá ọrụ dị elu, hụ na ngwaahịa mmepụta ihe, ọ bụghị nanị na anyị ga-emeri okwukwe nke ndị ahịa, ma na-ewuli elu anyị ika.Taa, anyị otu na-agba mbọ ka ọhụrụ, na nghọta na fusion na mgbe nile omume na pụtara ìhè amamihe na nkà ihe ọmụma, anyị na-eme ka ahịa ina maka elu-ọgwụgwụ ngwongwo, ime ahụmahụ ngwaahịa na ngwọta.

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